If anyone out there stumbles upon this web site looking for pictures of beautiful girls playing baseball in all sorts of provocative poses without a shred of clothing on, I appologize for the disappointment you must be feeling right about now. Sorry about that. Wrong site. I suppose I should let it be known though, I didn't choose the title to attract all the pervs out there in the world today. I just thought 'Stripped Bare: The Chronicles of a First Time Author in Today's Publishing Industry' was the perfect name of this blog site for one, simple reason. For me, as an author, being stripped bare means sitting in front of the keyboard with no one else at home, no distractions or noises in the house, and all my attention focused on finding the one perfect word or phrase that can make a reader feel, see or smell a certain part of the story I happen to be telling. It also describes how I feel about trying to hitch my wagon to the publishing industry. I knew it wasn't going to be easy the moment I decided to get my book in print, but sometimes I feel a little naked out there trying to land my first big break.
Trying to get to get picked up by a publisher or an agent in the midst of the current publishing industry upheaval is like betting The Houston Astros will one day win The World Series. Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? Hell no. The only two sure bets I know of nowadays are, 1) publishing companies will only fall all over themselves when they are trying to sign someone who is publishing their memoirs, and 2) there is a team out of New York that I do not care to mention by name who is guaranteed to win The World Series every four years. In the mean time, new novelists like me who are trying to earn a position in the literary game must be forced to stand outside the stadium and try to get noticed by juming up and down and waving our completed manuscripts in the air like sports crazed groupies trying to get an autograph. Yes, I know it's not fair, and unless you are a fan of pin stripes, about to publish the details of your last four years in office, or just concerned about moving on to another blog site because you're still looking for the aformentioned pictures, you know it can be tough trying to handle the rejection that comes with this craft called writing. I suppose it's what the game is all about though. And thank God I still have my keyboard, because right now, it is cold outside, the kids aren't home and there isn't a single noise or distraction in the house. And one more thing, the Astros have a few good players coming up, and their pitching isn't too bad either. Who knows? It won't be easy, but for some reason I believe 2011 will be a good year for being stripped bare and baseball.
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