Well, here I am sitting at my desk trying to figure out what kind of New Year's resolutions I should chain myself to this year, and so far I have come up with these five gems.
1) Find a reputable publisher that will put Ruby's Prayer on the New York Times best seller list.
2) Finish my second novel.
3) Start my third before fall sets in.
4) Buy a nice, quiet little villa somewhere at the tip of the Baja Penninsula, AND
5) See to it that my daughter gets into college so she can eventually get smart enough to marry the next great neurosurgeon who graduates from Rice University.
Whew! Talk about lofty goals! Just looking at them makes me tired. Which brings the question, are resolutions made this time of year really resolutions, or are they just simple wish lists made up by dreamers? Who knows, maybe they're both. I don't see why the first three items on my list can't come true because I've been aiming at them for the last year and a half, but I believe the last two are a little more out of my reach. As far as the villa in Cabo San Lucos goes, unless I win the lottery, that awesome view overlooking The Sea of Cortez will have to wait until the kids get out of college and I'm about 7 and a half years shy of that. And with resolution #5, well, we've got a long way to go on that one too because right now I'm just hoping she finally learns to keep her room clean. But what the hell, if I wasn't a dreamer, I never would have started writing in the first place.
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